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I miss having to figure people out

Social media and technology keep people connected. I'm wondering if any one else feels the same way about another phenomenon I've noticed. Since everyone (ie. a family) is so connected and they have seen each others updates, it actually leads to a more hollow experience when you do meet up. People are less exciting in general because there is not a lot of mystery. There is no need for extended communication because all conversations end in "let me show you X on the internet". There is no need for personal interpretation because you just see a video that specifically sculpts your mind. Meetups now consist of everyone being bored, not knowing how to start or involve themselves in conversations, and usually staring at devices. We don't even have kids running around getting into trouble and serving as conversation starters, because they are just blue faced zombies playing games. Events are also seemingly much shorter, I think because people are just generally anxious to get back to their personal zone and devices.

Personally, I kind of miss having to figure people out.

Do you feel like social media has an overall positive or negative impact?

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