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The Daily Create: Logical Fallacy

In doing my first post for my digital story telling class I was prompted to do a daily create of a Logical Fallacy. I have come across quite a few people over the years who have used this exact same argument in favor of some pretty destructive things that come from "nature". There are many harmful things that exist in nature, and just because we have removed most of these dangers from our every day lives does not mean we should not be aware of them.

I have taken logic classes in the past and this introduced a few new fallacies that I had not previously identified such as the "texas sharpshooter". This was also a good introductory exercise to to get the digital creativity flowing. While I was a bit crammed this first week coming off of vacation and did not put as much time as I would like into this create, it did give me an opportunity to get some additional tools set up for the rest of the course and dust off my twitter account. I look forward to diving a little deeper on these assignments in the coming weeks and into the future.

As an educator I will be using the daily create as a complimentary teaching resource and pool for creative ideas. It gives students an opportunity to stretch their creative legs and seems like a really great resource for kick starting projects.

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